
"Knowledge is a reflection of eternal light

Monday, November 15, 2010

World Organizations & Established Years

United Nations and Organizations (U.N.O) – 24 October 1945
 European Union- 7 February 1992
The Commonwealth- 1947
The Non- Aligned Movement (NAM) – 1961
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – 8 December 1985
The European Economic Community (EEC) – 25 March 1957
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) - 1 August 1973
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)- 1960
Arab League – 22 March 1945
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - May 1960
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - 4 April 1949
South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) - 8 September 1954
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) - 1955
The Group of 77- 1964
Colombo Plan- 1950
Organization of African Unity (OAU) - 25 May 1963
Organization of American States (OAS) – 30 April 1948
Association of South-East Nations (ASEAN) - 9th August 1967
Central American Common Market (CACM)- 1960
Amnesty international – 28th may 1961
Red Cross- 1863
French Communitty- 1958
Interpol- 1923
World Trade Organization- 1 January 1995

Questions About Computer

1. Who is Father of Computer?
An: Chals Babbage
2. Full Form of W.W.W
An: World Wide Web
3. Full Form of LAN
An: Land Area Network
4. Full Form of WAN
An: Wide Area Network
5. Full Form of A.L.U
An: Arithmetic and Logic Unit
6. Full Form of C.P.U
An: Central Processing Unit
7. Full Form of ROM?
An: Read Only Memory
8. Full Form of RAM
An: Random Access Memory
9. Full Form of MAN
An: Metropolitan Area Network
10. Full Form of E-Mail
An: Electronic Mail
11. Full Form of EDP
An: Electronic Data Processing
12. Full Form of COBOL
An: Common Business Oriented Language
13. Full Form of HTML
An: Hyper Text Markup Language
14. Full Form of HTTP
An: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
15. Full Form of URL
An: Universal Resource Locations
16. Full Form of DSL
An: Digital Subscribers Link
17. Full Form of LCD
An: Liquid Crystal Display
18. Full Form of CD
An: Compact Disk
19. Full Form of DVD
An: Digital Vestal Disk
20. Full Form of T.C.P
An: Transition Control Protocol
21. Full Form of I.P
An: Internet Protocol
22. Full Form of DOS
An: Disk Operating System
23. Full Form of WAIS
An: Wide area Information System
24. Primary Memory is used by the
25. A byte represents a Group of
An: 8 bits
26. The First Computer Mouse is built by
An: Douglas Engelbart
27. The two kinds of main memory are
An: ROM and RAM
28. Full Form of ISP
An: Internet Service Provider
29. Full Form of CAM
An: Computer Aided Manufacturing
30. Full Form of CAD
An: Computer Aided Design

Questions About Physics

   1Who is the Father of Modern Physics?
An: Albert Einstein
2.The Neutron was discovered by
An: Chadwick
3.The Nuclease was discovered by
An: Rutherford
4. The Proton was discovered by
An: Rutherford
      5. The Electron was discovered by
An: J.J Thomson
6. The Raman Effect is used in the study of
An: Molecular Energy
7. The nature of light waves is similar to
An: Gamma rays
8. The quality of sound depends on its
An: Waveform
9. The process responsible for the enormous energy in the sun is
An: Nuclear fusion
10. The planet earth loses heat mainly by
An: Conduction 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Importent Wars&Years in Indian History

B.C 326- War of Haidaspas (Alexander and Poras)
B.C 261- Kalinga War (Ashoka and King of Kalinga)
A.D 636- First Muslim Attack in Indian History
A.D 712- Muhammed Bin Quasim attacked Sindh
A.D 1000-1026- Muhamed gazni attacked India in 14 times
A.D 1175- Muhammed Ghori attacked Multtan
A.D 1191- First Tharayin War (Muhammed Ghori and Prithiraj Chouhan)
A.D 1192- Second Tharayin War (Muhammed Ghori and Prithiraj Chouhan)
A.D 1526- First War of Panippattu (Baber and Ibrahim Lodhi)
A.D 1527- War of Quana (baber and Ranapradap)
A.D 1556- Second War of Panippattu (Akbar and Hemu)
A.D 1741- War of Kulachal (Dutchs and Marthanda Varmma the King Of Travncur)
A.D 1757- War Of Plassi (Robert Claive and Siraj-ud-dhaula)
A.D 1761- Third War of Panippattu (Ahammed sha Abidali and Marathas)
A.D 1764- War of Buxar
A.D 1767- First Mysure War (Hayidrali&Brittishs)
A.D 1780- Second Mysure War (Hayidrali&Brittishs)
A.D 1790- Third Mysure War (Tippu& British)
A.D 1799- Forth Mysure War (Tippu& British)
A.D 1805- Britishs-Pazhssi War ((Pazashi Raja British)
A.D 1857- First War of Indian Independence

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Importent Wars&Years in World History

B.C 608 - Battle of Megiddo(This War between Necho  of Egypt and Josiah of Judah)
B.C 490- Battle of Marathon (Athenians and Persians)
B.C 480- Battle of Thermopylae (Spartans and persians)
B.C 480- Battle of Salamis (Athenians and Persians)
B.C 479- Battle of platae (Greek and Persian)
B.C 459- Spartan War 1 (Sparata and Athens)
B.C 331 Battle of Arabia (Greek and Persian)
B.C 190 Battle of Magnesia (Syria and Roman)
A.D 1337-1453- Hundred Years War (France and England)
A.D 1588- Anglo-Spanish War (spain and England)
A.D 1642- 1649- Civil War in England
A.D 1756-1763- Seven Year War(Britten and France)
A.D 1776 - American War of Indipendence
A.D 1789- French Revalution
A.D 1798- Battle of Nile (Britten and France)
A.D 1805-Battle of Austerlitz
A.D 1812- Battle of Borodino (france and Russia)
A.D 1815- Battle of Water Loo (Britten and France)
A.D 1840- First China War (china and Britten)
A.D 1857- First Indian Indipendence War (Indians and Britten)
A.D 1861-1865- American Civil War
A.D 1905- Russia and japan War
A.D 1912- Balkan War 1 (Turkey and Balkan countries)
A.D 1913- Balkan War 2
A.D 1911- Chinies Revalution
A.D 1914-1918- First World War
A.D 1917- Russian Revalution
A.D 1939-1945- Second World War
A.D 1949- Communist Revalution In China
A.D 1954- Korean War (S.Korea and N.Korea)
A.D 1962- India-China War
A.D 1965- India-Pakistan War
A.D 1967- Israel-Arab War
A.D 1971- Pakistan-Bangladesh War
A.D 1991- Gulf War
A.D 1999- Kargil War (India and Pakistan)
A.D 2001- US-Afganisthan War
A.D 2003- Gulf War2 (U.S.A and Iraq)
A.D 2006- Israel-Labnon War

Abbreviated Titles of Some Well Known Figures in World

Fuhrer or Fuehrer- Adolph Hitler
II Duce- Bentio Mussolini
Iron Duke- Duke of Wellington
Ike- Dwight David Eisenhower
King Maker- Earl of Warwick
Bard of Avon-William Shakespeare
Grand old Man of Britain- William Ewart Gladstone
Wizard of North- Sir Walter Scott
Tiger of Snows- Tenzing Norgay
American Gandhi- Martin Luther King
African Gandhi- Kenneth Kounda
Mark Twain- Samuel Longhorn Clemens
Maiden Queen- Queen Elizabeth 1
Man of Blood&Iron, Iron Chancellor- Ottovan Bismarck
Little Corporal, Man of Destiny- Napoleon Bonaparte
Made of Orleans- Joan of Arc
G.B.S- George Bernadsha
Father of English Poetry- Geoffrey Chaucer
EI caudillo- Francisco Franco
Lady With Lamp- Florence Nightingale